NG Directive and ngif in Angular

NG Directive and ngif in Angular

NG Directive and ngif – The *ngIf else directive in Angular is a powerful tool for handling conditional rendering of content. Whether you’re displaying different messages, handling API data, or managing errors, *ngIf else allows you to create dynamic and responsive templates based on conditions. By mastering this directive, you can enhance the user experience and create more engaging and user-friendly Angular applications.

The *ngIf directive is used in Angular to conditionally include or exclude content from the DOM (Document Object Model). It is typically applied to an HTML element and takes a boolean expression as its argument. When the expression evaluates to true, the element is rendered; otherwise, it is removed from the DOM.

example of *ngIf in an Angular component’s template:

In this example, the <p> element is displayed only if the isUserLoggedIn variable is true.

Introducing *ngIf else

While *ngIf is great for rendering content when a condition is met, there are cases where you may want to display different content when the condition is not met. This is where *ngIf else comes in handy.

The syntax for *ngIf else is as follows:

In this syntax: condition is the boolean expression you want to evaluate.

elseBlock is a template reference variable that points to the content you want to display when the condition is false.

Let’s see how *ngIf else works in practice with a real-world example.

Example 1: Displaying Alternate Content

Suppose you have a simple Angular component with a boolean variable that determines whether to display a greeting message or a message indicating the user is not logged in.

In this example, we use *ngIf else to display the appropriate message based on the value of isUserLoggedIn. If the user is not logged in, the “You are not logged in” message is shown; otherwise, the “Welcome, user!” message is displayed.

Example 2: Handling API Data

In real-world applications, you often need to handle data from APIs. Consider a scenario where you want to display user details if available, or a message indicating that the data is loading.

In this example, we use *ngIf else to display loading text while the data is being fetched (as indicated by the isLoading variable). Once the data is available, the user details are displayed.

Example 3: Error Handling

Sometimes, you might need to handle errors from API requests. *ngIf else can be used to display an error message when an error occurs.

In this example, we use *ngIf else to display an error message when hasError is true, indicating that an error occurred during data fetching.

ng-container and *ngIf else

In Angular, it’s common to use ng-container in conjunction with *ngIf else. The ng-container acts as a structural directive container and doesn’t render any extra HTML elements. It’s a useful tool when you want to conditionally render multiple elements or create more complex templates.

example: how we can use ng-container with *ngIf else:

In this example, we’ve separated the loading indicator and user details using ng-container. The loading indicator is displayed when isLoading is true, and the user details are shown when isLoading is false.

Using ngIf else with ngFor

We can also use *ngIf else in conjunction with *ngFor to handle cases where there’s no data to display or when there’s an error while fetching data from an API. 


In this example, we use *ngIf else to display “No users found” when the user array is empty. If there are users in the array, the list of user names is displayed.

Remember that effective usage of *ngIf else can improve the readability and maintainability of your code, making it a valuable skill for any Angular developer. So, go ahead and start implementing *ngIf else in your Angular projects to create more dynamic and user-friendly web applications!

NG Directive and ngif in Angular

Here are some differences between NG Directive and ngif in Angular:

1. Directives in Angular:

  • Directives in Angular are markers on a DOM element that tell Angular to do something to that element or its children.
  • Angular has several built-in directives, and ngIf is one of them.
  • Directives can be classified into two types: structural directives and attribute directives.
    • Structural directives like ngIf alter the structure of the DOM by adding or removing elements.
    • Attribute directives modify the appearance or behavior of an element, component, or another directive.

2. ngif in Angular:

  • ngIf is a structural directive in Angular.
  • It is used to conditionally render or remove elements from the DOM based on a given expression.
  • It evaluates the expression assigned to it and renders the associated HTML element only if the expression is true. If false, it removes the element from the DOM.

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